A leave-in conditioner is applied after you cleansing the hair and can be applied daily. This is left on the hair until the next wash day.
Most people will think that using a leave in conditioner is the same as greasing your hair daily. It is not. You will want a leave in conditioner that actually moisturises the hair and is absorbed into the hair and does not just stay/lie on it. Your hair craves moisture and a good leave in will leave your hair feeling free and soft, possibly even shiny, but not limp and greasy.
Some of the other leave ins I love are:
Elasta QP Oil Recovery Moisturiser ( I use this with their HTWOO Spray)
Mixed Chicks Leave in Condition
Most people will think that using a leave in conditioner is the same as greasing your hair daily. It is not. You will want a leave in conditioner that actually moisturises the hair and is absorbed into the hair and does not just stay/lie on it. Your hair craves moisture and a good leave in will leave your hair feeling free and soft, possibly even shiny, but not limp and greasy.
Some of the other leave ins I love are:
Elasta QP Oil Recovery Moisturiser ( I use this with their HTWOO Spray)
Mixed Chicks Leave in Condition
Mizani’s Moisturising Silkening Liquid Gel
Silky Locks K2H 365 leave-in conditioner
Suki Skincare’s Hair Scalp Conditioning Oil
Moroccan oil range
Coconut Oil as opposed to mineral oil (which is found in many black hair care products) is much more easily absorbed into the hair and has been used for centuries as a leave in conditioner on its own.
If you know of any others post below.
Our hair is prone to dryness so a good leave in conditioner is vital. Try and choose ones that do not contain petroleum jelly, petrolatum or mineral oil (but do not panic if they do, they may also contain other good nutrients). Apply the moisturiser to the ends and do this daily or as your hair requires, it should make your hair feel soft and pliable. Also to help with keeping moisture in, a light oil (eg. olive) applied sparingly may be used to seal moisture into the hair shaft and give your hair shine.
Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity
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