Just a quick post about our tagline 'Relaxed and Desperate'.
A couple of people have said that they thought that I was just all about relaxed hair and I just wanted to counter that.
Our tagline is relaxed and desperate because, when I started this hair journey I was using relaxer, my hair had fallen out, my scalp was in a state and I was absolutely desperate!!
I needed help and I found it via the internet, on all the blogs and hair forums and all the other women who had similar problems and let me into their hair lives with their blog.
So I started this blog about my journey and where that journey has taken me. At the moment I still relax my hair, just a little differently to how I used to to.
I dont know where this journey will take me but I wanted others to know that they are not alone and if they were like me either relaxed or if they were just plain desperate they could find some help. Like I did!
So whether you are relaxed, curly, locks, braided natural, this site is for you too!!!
Whatever your hair orientation we are here to help!
Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity