My 10 Favourite Things about Jamaica

On Tuesday August 6, 2013 it was Jamaica's 51st Anniversary of Independence. Being of Jamaican descent I wated to share with you my top ten things I love about Jamaica. If you have some more please comment and let us know below

1. Jamaica's Motto: 'Out of Many one People'. 
Any of these gorgeous women could be of Jamaican descent. Jamaica is one the most culturally diverse populations in the world alongside places like Brazil.

2. The Food.
Jerk Chicken, Calaloo, Plantain and Banana, Patty and Coca Bread, Ackee and Saltfish, Manish Water, Cassava, Sweet Potato, Bammy and the list goes on! 

3. Healing Herbs
Well it was obvious I would mention this one!


After London 2012, I really needn't say more.

5. Carnival
Colourful, vibrant and full of life. Carnival in Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil or in Notting Hill is an experience not to be missed.

6. Black Sand Beaches

Hours of fun with a magnet. I can think of at least two young budding scientist who wiled away hours trying to create a hover board on the Black Sand Beaches of St. Elizabeth. LOL!

7.Flora and Fauna,
The hibiscus is one of my favourite flowers and that is saying something as I am am not particular fond of plants (too much sneezing). Jamaica is full of amazing plants and animals. To see more check out our Pinterest Boards Caribbean Wildlife and Caribbean Flora.

8. People

Fun-loving amazing people in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean. The way Prince Harry greets the Jamaican Prime Minister is just so telling. All hugs for JA, handshakes for everyone else.

9. Heritage and National Heroes 
Arthur Wint

The Caribbean has a great and intriguing history. From something as simple as why Jamaica's second language is Spanish to why Haiti and the Dominican Republic are on the same island. There is quite a bit to learn. On our pinterest board I have posted some pictures of the Jamaican Nationals Heroes. My favourite was always 'Nanny of the Maroons' Hearing tales of this inspirational women who schooled a bunch of men using guerrella warfare and according to legend could catch bullets with her teeth had an impact on me growing up. I also found an old album of my dad's with pictures of his family from the 1900s. It was both surprising and inspirational and I hope to post these later this year.

10. Creativity

I abosutely love how creative people from the Caribbean are, from fashion to architecture. Absolutely besotted with these shoes! you too right?

Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity

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