I remember the scene like it were yesterday. Arriving in the kitchen to smell burning and my Mummy standing over the gas oven flame with a metal comb in it.
I had asked Mummy, minutes before if I could try this, as she had refused to use chemicals on my hair till I was in secondary school, but the trauma of having my hair combed ever week was getting unbearable. At the time neither of us really knew how it maintain black naturally curly hair (I have more of an idea now) The only moisturiser we used was Dax!
I screamed when I saw the flame... "No mummy No!" She turned it off and said "whats the matter".
I had changed my mind. no way was that going in my hair, I was 9 and a real wuss.
Sounds like a torture session from some 80's horror from the way I tell it but I can bet most of you reading this will have had that experience or at least had your hair hot-combed.
Well never fear, a revolutionary new device (which I have blogged on before) is on the market, the EdgeStick!
In the UK buy from The Original Azure Edgestick from AfroDeity in Hot Pink, Ebony Black or Cool White.
Anyone tried this yet - reviews please!
Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity
1 comment
These seem to be the rave now. Too bad I've banned myself from purchasing unecessary hair gadgets.
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