Hi All,
For any one who has experienced serious hair loss, it is probably a good idea to see a professional.
"A professional ... like a doctor?" I hear you ask, well in a way yes but the professional you need to see is a trichologist
" A tri what?"
Trichology is the branch of medicine that deals with the scientific study of the health of hair and scalp. One who deals in the science of the hair and scalp is called a trichologist. They are not licensed doctors although members of the medical profession can undertake courses and/or careers within trichology.
"But why do I need to see a trichologist?", Hair Loss can be caused by a myriad of problems, and may not just be solved by lathering various cremes and potions from boots on it. As you have no way of really knowing what caused your hair loss in the first place, seeing a trichologist is a good idea befor it is too late. Most Afro-Caribbeans will experience hair loss from the harmful chemicals we use to relax or straighten our hair but hair loss can be genetic, caused by a bacteria or funghi or can even be caused by stress.
So if your hair loss is extreme, I do recomend doing your hair a favour and seeing someone about it.
Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity
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