Due to the lovely and incredibly hot weather we have been having, my hair has been so dry, frizzy and almost unmanageable. The first few days I just added in an extra co wash but by the end of the day, it felt like it needed washing again!
So I decided to go back to my original evening regime that I would do when my hair had gotten really bad.
I parted my hair in 4 parts, gently as the hair was very dry. Choose one part and put some JBCO on the scalp, in antipation of washing my hair in a day or two. Rubbed my usual leave in through the strands. I then sprayed with Elasta QP H2 and sealed with Coconut Oil.
I then gently and loosely plaited the hair.
I did this for all four sections. I plan to do this every night until the weather cool off a bit next week.
It has been so hot that I just felt my hair really needed pampering!
In the morning just spray with H2 and voila, nice manageable braid out. I also gave it a trim so it looks really neat and curly.
How are you managing your summer hair, share your tips with us.
Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity
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