Hair Update: March 2014

Hi All,

Its been ages since I did an update post. The last time was probably after my big chop, so I thought I would post an update of my hair journey over the past year since my big chop. It has been different.

So after starting my blog and growing in my bald patch and growing my hair to just beyond arm pit length I decided to go natural. I updated then in my post embracing the big chop, and really just a whole new me. Someone asked me what 'being natural' meant to me and I have to say Freedom... Freedom to express myself. I have alway been shy and not the most confident person and after the big chop I felt free to let the real me out. I know everyone wont feel this way and I know it sounds all very cliche and cheesy but I really do feel this way. Everyone who knows me says I've really come out of my shell. 

I learnt to love my teeny weeny afro and kept it like this right through the summer!

Then October came around and I got that awkward stage where I really didn't know what to do with my hair. After a while I opted for a weave. This last about a month before I took it out and canerowed it and was at that point participating in the AfroDeity Castor Oil Challenge.

October - December 2013

February 2014

March 2014 - Loving My Hair now!

Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity 

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