In my earlier posts I talked quite a bit about using products from this range so I thought it was time to give little review of these products. When I started my hair care journey, I had really damaged hair that was coming out in my hands in clumps. I started off only using products from this range and I have to say they saved my hair.
Presently I use quite a range of products from various different manufacturers, but I highly recommend these if you are just starting out. The main products I recommend are:
1. PhytoNectar Oil (my very first Pre Poo)
4. PhytoSpecific Vital Force Creme Bath for Damaged, brittle hair
The Key ingredients in the Vital Force creme bath are shea butter, sesame and jojoba oils, hydolized keratin, castor oil, rapeseed oil derivative, panthenol.
Although they are expensive I found them worth every penny.
The phytospecific styling balm and the relaxer from this range did not make too much difference to my hair and other relaxers like the Olive Oil ORS I have found to be much better. Instead of the styling balm I found Phyto 7 Daily Hydrating Cream For Dry Hair to be much more beneficial.
At the moment things that have replaced this range are:
1. Coconut oil and Jamaican black castor oil for my prepoo and sealing oils
2. Egg, castor Oil, mayonnaise mix with the Joico K-Pak Deep Penetrating Reconstructor
3. I still use the PhytoSpecific Vital Force shampoo once a week and the Curls clarifying shampoo once a month
4. PhytoSpecific Vital Force Creme Bath for Damaged, brittle hair is an excellent deep conditioner but at £20, I also use the mix I described in 2 and a moisturising conditioner by Joico.
5. For Co- washing I currently use either Tesco/Boots Coconut Conditioners
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Hope someone out there finds this helpful
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