Leilu's Transitioning Journey


This is my first hair update for a while, I guess because I am transitioning, length checks don't really tell you much. Also I am trimming constantly so there isn't much in the way of length. I had written breifly about Curlformers and I think they have become, my go to hair styling tool while I am transitioning. I had previously been relying on bantu knots and twist outs, but i got a bit bored with them and at times my relaxed ends did not seem to get on well with these styles. So I have had a play with the Curlformers. Note I only have time at night to do a few on the front and this way I can  sleep on my back at least.

I have just heaped the curls on top and twisted and pinned the back. Sort of a hommage to a more Victorian style.

You can see that my relaxed ends havent been fairing well, but I am not really bothered, I am erring towards the big chop soon as it is getting more difficult to handle two textures. Anyone else doing anything similar. More styles to come as the experiment continues!

Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity

1 comment

Anonymous said...

Hi there, had a similar experience about a month ago. I was relutant to do the BC, but since them my original texture has been restored. And there are plenty of hair styles to experiment with. Best wishes and good luck.