Hi All,
Recently I have been very tempted to experiment with colour. I have always though a light brown or red would suit me and I really fancy a change. Whenever I have has extensions in the past I have just gone for the colour closest to my natural colour which is 1B off Black. Well the colour most prominent at the top of my head, the hair that gets hidden by the extensions tend to be a dark red or grey in some part ( always been like this, go figure).
The last time I dyed my hair I was 18 and I dyed it blue, several months later it all fell out. I know I really mistreated my hair over the years, but I have really been thinking about getting a good dye and going bold!
If in doubt ask an expert, The Colour Experts at the Phillip James Salon (in the US) have put it down on paper and given us a run down hair colour and skin tones
Over to the experts:
Tips For Selecting the Right Hair Colour for Your Skin Tone
Choosing the right hair colour for your skin tone can be difficult because you want to choose a shade that complements your skin and does not wash it out. The good news is that there is the perfect colour you and you just have to find it. There are some general rules that will help you pick the perfect colour for you.
Red Hair
Red hair is fiery and full of passion. However, it is not for everyone, though, most people can make it work. There are many different tones of red and your skin tone dictates which will look stunning on you. If your skin tone is light then you want to go with a lighter red. A strawberry blonde or a red that is bright and coppery can look really good. On the other hand, burgundy and wine-colored reds can be too dark and wash you out.
If you have a medium skin tone, then a medium auburn or a medium coppery blonde can work very well. To prevent your skin from looking yellow, avoid dark eggplant hues.
If you have a darker skin tone you can get away with chestnut brown and medium auburn. You want to be careful with super red hues because this can make your skin appear green.
Black Hair
This is a colour that is difficult for some skin tones.
Black is seductive and intriguing, but not everyone can get away with it. If you have a light skin tone then the jet black tones will not be a good idea because it will completely wash you out. Do not fear though because you can still go dark. Aim for a neutral dark tone that is close to the dark brown end of black. This will allow you to have dark hair without it causing you to look as white as a ghost.
If you have a medium skin tone you want an almost black, but still brown shade. If you go for a black that has a reddish hue to it then this can make your skin look yellow.
Dark skin tones can get away with bold browns are jet black tones. You want to be careful with black tones that have a bluish hue though because this can make your skin look a little green.
Brown Hair
Brown hair is sophisticated and sexy. The nice thing about brown is that regardless of your skin tone you can find a brown color that works perfectly for you. If you have light skin, you do not want to go more than two or three shades darker than your natural hair color. This generally leads to you choosing a medium brown color.
If your skin tone is medium, then you can go with a darker or a lighter brown and still look great. Just be sure not to go too dark or too light because these could backfire on you.
Dark skin tones always look great with brown hair. You can pull off those dark, deep colors of brown. You have to be careful with light browns because these can create a contrast with your skin tone that is not very appealing.
Blonde Hair
Rumor has it that blondes have more fun, but we know that they definitely tend to have bright and vibrant personalities. Now, blonde is not going to work for everyone so be very careful when considering blonde locks. If you have a light skin tone then a light blonde or a strawberry blonds will almost always look really great on you. You want to avoid ash, white and really red blondes.
If your skin tone is medium, then you should aim for a beige-blonde or a golden blonde. You can usually pull off a lighter blonde too. To avoid looking washed out, forget about the orange or ashy-based blonde colours.
If you have dark skin you can still do blonde but be sure to go for a dark blonde. A good rule of thumb is to look at your natural hair colour and stick within two to three shades of it. If you have a brown colour and want some blonde, consider some golden or caramel highlights to get the best of both worlds. You definitely want to forget about platinum, white or orange-based blondes.
These tips brought to you from the beauty experts at Philip James Salon.
Hope this is useful to someone, I am thinking blonde may not be such a bad idea! In the winter we tend to go for drab colours so I'm thinking of livening it up a bit this winter.
What dyes do you use?
Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity
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