What is the LOC Method?

Hi All, 

At AfroDeity we use the LOC method quite a bit so I thought it would be a good idea to talk a little about what this actually is.

What is the LOC method? 

The LOC (liquid, oil, cream) method is a technique for moisturising natural hair in three simple steps. When done with the right products and in the right order, it is scientifically one of the best ways to moisturise natural hair!

The method consists of hydrating the hair with water (the liquid), sealing in the moisture with oil and then applying cream to close the hair cuticle, preventing moisture loss. Women with natural,  curly hair - which is constantly crying out for moisture - could find that this method ends all their woes.

Why does it work?

Firstly, and most obviously, water is moisture. We all know that adding moisture to your hair when you wash it gives it a boost, but the issue is locking that moisture in!  

The next step is oil. If you think it sounds a little incompatible to mix oil and water, you’re not alone, but in fact many natural oils are able to penetrate the hair shaft and bind with the hair internal structure or protein. The top three kinds of oil for the LOC method are coconut, olive and avocado, which are brilliant at holding onto the water molecules for dear life, and you only need a thin layer.

Finally, the cream locks in the moisture. The most important thing is to make sure that your cream is moisturising and  acts as a sealant. The word cream can be misleading, however, as many natural products such as castor oil, grape seed oil and jojoba oil act as sealants too!

Just as we start to layer up our clothing for the winter months to seal in heat, the layering up of products in the LOC method ensures maximum moisture retention, keeping your natural hair shiny, strong and moisture rich!

Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity 

Geraldine Scott
AfroDeity Blogger

1 comment

3d screen printing said...

The LOC Method is a popular hair care routine designed to help keep natural curls and textured hair moisturized. LOC stands for Liquid, Oil, and Cream, which are the three steps involved. First, you apply a liquid (usually water or a leave-in conditioner) to hydrate your hair.