My first set back, i just had to cut six massive knots out of my hair. I am usually so careful to gently detangle my hair in the shower and stupidly forgot. Just got back from seeing 'New Moon' at the cinema and put my hand through my hair, OMG all I got was a handful of knots.
Nooo!! I am so angry with myself, I was really trying so hard. URGG!
NeeWay! I hope I didn't cut too much out, I just started my count down to self relaxing by doing a Clarifying shampoo on Sunday and I plan to protect on Tuesday/Wednesday. Hopefully after the relaxer it wont tangle so much.
So I thought to avoid this I would jump on the Dragon's Den bandwagon and try that Tangle Teaser thing with full review here for you. Now available in four different colours from AfroTherapy @ £9.99 or check out Leilu's Amazon for £9.78.
Wish me luck
Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity. I will be !
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