Hi All,
We just wanted to take some time out to introduce you to NoScrunchie.com. No Scrunchie is an Afro Caribbean Salon Finder with listings reviewed by other readers. The hope is to improve readers salon experience and help salons know what they need to improve.
No Scrunchie will be holding a meet up on 20th June 2013 with Vinna Best from Officially Natural and the ladies from Mane Divas speaking. No Scrunchie will be tackling all things Afro. From hair care, to nutrition to salon experiences. The heart of NoScrunchie is to recommend and rate good salons in the UK to stop bad experiences happening to others. All hair styles are welcome kinky, straight, locks, weaves... you name it!
Some of the things we will be discussing are:
* Do you do your hair in the salon or at home?
* If at home, why don't you go to salons?
* Did you used to go to salons? Any reason why you don't?
* Where do you get the information about products on what you use on your hair?
* What are your favourite blogs?
* Do you have a favorite salon?
* Do you change your salon or are you loyal?
* Are you ever restricted to hairstyle choices because of the salons?
* What factors influence you in choosing your salon? Is recommendation ever a factor?
* Do you have any salon horror stories?
* What's your take on the relaxed vs natural debate?
Find Out More Information Here
NoScrunchie, is also joining forces with Natural Hair Week UK as a sponsor for the official competition to find the best Natural Hair Salon in the UK.

The Competition
Dates: 3rd June to 19th July
Winner announced on the 20th July at the closing event of Natural Hair Week London.
"No Scrunchie and Natural Hair Week are looking for SALONS and SKILLED NATURAL hair STYLISTS. Not necessarily the Afro Caribbean salons that only do natural hair, but all that have at least one stylist skilled in natural hair are eligible."
No Scrunchie are looking for a salon chosen by YOU, the user. No judging panel, no PR budget, just a salon that takes good care of hair anywhere in the UK.
Stating that the style is natural in the drop down, clients come to NoScrunchie and rate a salon as usual. If the salon gets more than 10 reviews, it is in contention for Natural salon Awards. Final ratings will be done by a multiple; the salon with the highest will be the winner of Natural Salon Awards.
Let the salons that you love know about the competition and do let NoScrunchie know about any salons that are claiming to do natural hair but failing.
How to get Involved:
Log on to NoScrunchie
Find the salon you want to review
On the drop down for hairstyle, choose NATURAL hair
Add your review
That's it!
If you own or work in a salon that does NATURAL hair WELL and want to get recognised, get in touch with NoScrunchie on info@noscrunchie.com
May the best Natural Salon win!
Hope you guys get involved we love what NoScrunchie is doing and look forward to seeing more!
Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity
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