Protective styling
As the name suggests, protective
styling is a type of styling that most natural women would resort to
so as to ‘protect’ their hair from pollutants such as the sun,
harsh winds, swimming pool water and excessive heat styling.
Protective styling entails keeping hair
in twists, braids and cornrows for periods of about 3-4 or 4-6 weeks
depending on the durability of the hairstyle. Those who often resort
to protective styling often have to be patient by nature. I say
‘patient’ because protective styles have to be installed
knowledgeably and often take a while to install due to the intricacy
of most styles, for example styled cornrows, Senegalese twists, box
braids and so forth. You would also have to be patient because
protective styles are generally long wearing hairstyles that require
minimal daily maintenance.
Although the protective styling regimen
demands for one to be patient, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you
have to forget to maintain the styles. Often natural women give a bad
reputation to protective styles by neglecting to wash their hair for
the duration of the 4-6 week period. Some feel it is a free pass to
forgo the moisturiser or brush up edges and keep unruly hair in check
What most natural ladies need to
realise is that protective styles are quite beneficial to the overall
look and health of their hair. Protective styles can reap a wealth of
benefits such as helping your hair to retain length. Protective
styles also help your hair and scalp to take a break from excessive
manipulation and excessive daily use of shampoos.
Of course, protective styles are a
great go to in moments where you need to focus on other things other
than your daily hair regimen. This brings us to the question that may
be swirling in your head. ’Is protective styling for me? ’ Well
as you may know a lot of debates have arisen over the past few years
as to who should resort to protective styling and who shouldn’t.
There is no hard and fast rule there. In truth, protective styles are
a lifesaver for those whose schedules do not allow for daily hair
care regimens however, protective styles really can be expensive,
when salon done. Not only is the expense a factor but should you
choose to have someone style your hair when they do not really know
your personality then it can turn out to be a miss rather than a hit.
Because of the added expense and the length with which your style
should stay in- it is quite important for your style to reflect your
personality, and your preferences.
Now remember, when choosing a
protective style, choose something you like, something you can afford
and a style that will go with whatever occasion or event you will
attend during the time you will wear that style. Before getting a
protective style make sure you have washed, conditioned and
thoroughly dried your hair- a damp poorly dried scalp is the perfect
breeding ground for fungal infections.
Furthermore, never get protective
styles installed so tightly that you get pimples around your hairline
or that you cannot move any of your facial muscles or worse that you
get a migraine for days after you get your protective style- all of
the above are a sure way to get traction alopecia in the long run.
Remember, as the name suggests the purpose is to protect your scalp
and hair not harm them.
Happy styling!
Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity
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