I have just started my relaxer protocol as seen in my post Self Relaxing Black hair: Should You??: Tips and Regime, by Clarifying with the Curls Clarifying Shampoo, 7 days before relaxing.
I did my usual pre-poo with Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil.
Once it had been clarified, I dried my hair with a muslin square, no rubbing, just wrapped it around my head. Once most of the moisture had gone and hair was towel dried. I applied Mane and Tail Deep Moisturising Conditioner.
Now, I have had my doubts about this product. Although it says it is for horses (boy, did my husband laugh at this), it is also made for human use. I had some left over birthday money so I purchased this from AfroDeity's Best of Amazon. Not too expensive ( £3.69 @ AfroDeity's Best of Amazon) and I have to say this conditioner has revitalised my hair. My hair had been getting a bit used to the Ojon products so it was time to rotate to something else.
A genuinely lovely conditioner and the two reviewers on Amazon agree with me giving this product 5 stars.
Now that my hair was all washed and clean and felt amazing, my new growth was so manageable after using this product, I used my Edgestick to get the edges straight and smooth and then my Tangle Teezer to comb/brush. These three things are what are helping me keep my hair neat at the mo. I usually style and wrap in a scarf for the night and it stays till the next morning. Effortless.
Hope this is helpful to anyone stretching, as these products have really helped stop my hair getting into a tangled mess.
Anyway I thought I would update you before I relaxed, so my next post will show my progress in the last few months and then back to our Myths and Legends Series.
Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity
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