Sorrel is actually a member of the hibiscus family, Hibiscus sabdariffa. Hibiscus is often called flor de Jamaica and Roselle. (Wikipaedia)
Uses on Hair
It can be used to give your hair a lighter red colour or red highlights naturally. This recipe from Janderson99 on HubPages explains how to make it:
Creating Natural Red Highlights
Using hibiscus or Jamaican sorrel can be used to create red colored highlights. Mix 2 cups Jamaican sorrel (dried or fresh), 2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of honey in a small saucepan. Bring the water to the boil and let the sorrel to soak for 2-4 hours or overnight. Strain the liquid and stir in the honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon. Shampoo your hair normally. Then pour the liquid over the hair, massage in the scalp and apply to the areas to be highlighted. Wrap your hair with a cap and leave on your hair for 60 minutes or more and then rinse out.
Other hair benefits (Black-Hair-101)
*When the hibiscus plant juices are infused with water as a tea, the resulting concoction soothes dry scalp.
*Hibiscus is very good for dry curly hair as it provides excellent slip when used as a final rinse.
*Hibiscus strengthens the hair from root to tip.
*Hibiscus seals the hair cuticles and helps to stop hair breakage.
Black Hair 101 had these great recipes for a Hibiscus Tea Rinse, a Hibiscus/Sorrel Hair Oil and a Hibiscus Conditioner.
Black Hair 101 had these great recipes for a Hibiscus Tea Rinse, a Hibiscus/Sorrel Hair Oil and a Hibiscus Conditioner.
Hibiscus plants are rich in alpha hydroxy acids and amino acids, it is a natural diuretic and it contains several vitamins including Vitamin C and several minerals. (black hair 101)
Hibiscus Hair Oil
I really loved this recipe! I want to try it with Coconut Oil!
How to make your own hibiscus hair oil: Crush five or six petals of hibiscus with about three leaves, place in a hot carrier oil (coconut, olive, castor), leave crushed hibiscus in oil on low flame, remove after 10 or so minutes do not let it burn! Strain when cool. Use as you would your regular oil. If you are not using fresh plants, 1/2 cup of dried hibiscus is pretty potent and will work just as well.
Hibiscus Tea Rinse For Hair
Please note that the tea rinse stains but is easy to wipe out of your sink. Hibiscus tea rinse has great slip; you can use it as your final wash after a conditioning or after a shampoo as a precursor to condition hair. It gives hair a glorious shine.
Hibiscus Conditioner for Dry Hair
You will need 4 cups Red Jamaican Sorrel (also called Hibiscus) and 1 tsp ginger. Place the sorrel in a bowl (fresh or dried sorrel will do). Grate a piece of ginger and put with the sorrel. Pour boiling hot water over the sorrel (enough to cover it). Steep sorrel ginger mixture in hot water for two to four hours. Pour slowly on freshly shampooed hair. Put hair in plastic cap and let it sit for an hour or two. Rinse out with fresh water.
Thank you Black Hair 101 for these great recipes!
Embrace Your Inner AfroDeity
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